Sunday, February 17, 2008

Technical FAQ #1

Here is a technical question sent in by a cheerleader and our responses in red.

To whom it might concern,

I would like to clarify one particular rules under the "OPEN DIVISION SAFETY GUIDELINES".

Under Climbing:

"1. Climbing

1.1. Any flipping toss to the third layer of a pyramid is prohibited.

1.2. Aerial twisting into stunts or pyramids exceeding 2 rotations is prohibited.

1.3. Flipping into a stunt must originate from ground level and limited to 1 rotation.

1.4. Flipping into a pyramid is prohibited. "

Under the rule 1.3, I would like to clarify:
Whether the flyer has to begin with her foot on the ground? 
Does the rule allows flipping from the stunt bases and end up in the same bases? 
This rule applies if it originates (start) from the ground,not from a stunt. Example: Top person cartwheels into elevator.
Or in another sense, does flipping as part of a stunt consitutes as a flipping into a stunts (i.e. classify under climbing)? 
As long as the flipping is not into a pyramid or flipping toss to a third layer, it is allowed.

On the same point of flipping into the third layer. If the flipping is assisted by the mid flyers and the mid flyers are in contact with the top flyer at all times during the flip to the top layer, is this allowed? 
As you mentioned, the flipping is assisted by the second layer. This stunt would be termed as "Assisted Flipping" instead of "Flipping", and is allowed in Cheerobics.

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